The GDSS&WS works through the 80 parishes with 750 mission stations in the Diocese. These parishes or local units identify community needs and development issues. They then approach GDSS&WS to address them. The GDSS&WS studies these needs scientifically and evolve a plan of action to respond to them. Based on these the GDSS&WS plans out a project proposal along with the stakeholders mobilises resources local and foreign and helps the local units in the execution. GDSS&WS is committed to participatory development processes. People concerned and affected initiate/are involved in the entire process of project identification, development, execution and monitoring. Project adopts a bottom up approach and is evolved at the community level.
Well laid out Financial Plan, Control, management and audit
There is a well laid down financial policy relating to approval and authorisation of payments. Great care is taken for the proper management and maintenance of the books of accounts. Daily cash book is maintained along with proper vouchering. Project-wise cash book and ledger with proper accounting principles are adhered to. Proper cash flow analysis is maintained as per the project estimate and funds. The GDSS&WS has a financial department which supports the local unit in the implementation, and in maintaining proper records, accounts and registers. Progress report and financial statements are centrally collated. It also arranged verification, evaluation and audit. The GDSS&WS has an external auditor, who is popular in the district. Internal audit is done by the Governing body, the accounts are scrutinised in its meetings held once in every three months.