The GDSS&WS has 11 full timers on its roll, with expertise in the various departments for development. The following project is to support the departments function under the overall leadership of the Executive Director.


General Administration

General Administration comprises finance, accounts, secretarial services, personnel administration and office management.

Project Division

This department looks after the study aspect and sighting the needs of the people of the area; data collection and project formulation.

Social Housing

The department constantly keeps in touch with people to find the homeless poor; identify housing needs and domestic sanitation; involving stakeholder community and community building.

Community Health Programmes

Its responsibility is to take care of all health programmes such as: health education for children, youth and women, awareness on HIV/AIDS, eradication of leprosy, cancer, tuberculosis and seasonal ailments.

Non Formal Education and women Development

This department is in charge of all non-formal education curriculums, organization of women associations, leadership development and organizational skills, income generation/micro finance programmes and programmers.

Community Development Department

This department is held responsible for all community based projects such as drinking water, land reclamation, feeding the poor, agricultural development, sale of products, bank transactions, loan arrangements, repayments and other financial deals.


All the staff members have a maximum experience of thirty years in socio-economic, educational and community development activities. These include technical staff with diploma in civil engineering and staff trained in community health and development. Some of them have also undergone training with various training institutes in Thiruvananthapuram, Cochin and Bengaluru. Subjects include: credit and savings, income generation, watershed management, women development, community organization and leadership development. In connection with the sanitation projects, 6 staff members have been trained in low cost sanitation technology and promotional activities. All the members of the staff attend training programmes periodically to upgrade their skills in project management skills.